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Tips for branding

Branding brought to the point

Effective branding enables service providers, institutions, products, and people to be targeted by target groups in their own markets. Small brands can learn a lot from big brands here. Because these generate great attention and stand out through sustainable concepts. As strong brands, they understand how to hold customer attitudes and buying behavior significantly.


And it's not by chance that each of us think we make rational decisions every day. With the best of mind we decide what is good and important for us. However, we do not notice how brands have been proficient in precisely those decisions for a long time.


And it is usually the brand that influences us the most, creating positive feelings in us.



1. Brand Name develop!


The naming of a brand is to be regarded as a basic building block, which essentially influences the brand image. In contrast to the logo, the brand name can not be changed later without major friction losses and should therefore be carefully developed and determined beforehand.


Pay attention to the choice of the brand name on:


- uniqueness

- Association and meaning

- Differentiation in competition

- Grip and functionality

- Legal implications

- Phonetic distinctness

- Possibilities of internationalization

Brand name

Competitive advantages through branding?

2. Create a trademark!


An important step in brand building is to identify a company with a logo. The so-called marking enables customers to uniquely identify a brand. Therefore, a logo must be memorable and easy to understand. In addition, it should carry traits of recognition and convey a clear message. In the best case, the trademark is the visual implementation of the brand name. Through a suitable color scheme specific feelings and associations can be evoked in the viewer.

2. Pay attention to product design!


Give your products more attention. They are the direct brand contact between your company and the consumer. Products can build up inner images and shape values. It should be noted that with the "magic branding triangle", the primary brand elements brand name, brand name and product design are coordinated so that they communicate identical content. This is indispensable for the brand identity!

4. Initiate communication!


Do not rely only on a memorable brand name and outstanding trademarks. Because every creation is only charged with meaningful brand communication. Today it depends on the perfect interplay of advertising, product PR and social media.


Modern content marketing unites subsections of these disciplines, reaches target groups and buyer personas in a comparatively "gentle" way and pays comparatively subtle attention to one's own brand.


4. Develop brand strategy!


Every memorable logo, even the most elaborately produced printed matter fades in its weight compared to a well-thought-out brand strategy. So it's imperative that you develop a strategy early on, whether you're a start-up in the marketplace or a seasoned entrepreneur. Because without strategy, the individual cogs do not interact optimally. It is a central mosaic stone in the foundation of market success.


Ask yourself the following questions about strategy development:


What advantages does your offer have over the competition?

Which price / performance advantages exist?

Are there competence advantages in your offer?

What is the benefit for your customer?

Can you keep your brand promise at all times?




Brands whose unmistakable values are recognized and valued by customers can profitably exploit competitive and market advantages through targeted differentiation. A clear brand policy makes it easier for customers to identify products and companies. Branding ensures the sustainability of a brand and decides on the future of services and products. The careful and professional brand development in advance is thus the first important step towards success.